chong go sunims dharma talks > 통합공지


시카고지원 chong go sunims dharma talks


Wake Up and Laugh !


Dharma Talks with Chong Go Sunim


Hi everyone,

We’ve invited Chong Go Sunim to come from Korea and give us Dharma talks in English.

Born in the U.S., he was ordained as a Buddhist monk in Korea in 1993, and has practiced there for the last twenty years. He is a Dharma student of the outstanding Seon Master, Daehaeng, and also works to help translate her Dharma talks into English.


Chong Go Sunim will talk about how to apply spiritual practice in our daily life, and how we can overcome the fixed ideas and habits that hold us back.

Spiritual practice is an odd thing. On the one hand we’re already endowed with everything we need. We’re connected to all the energy and wisdom in the Universe, and it’s always flowing through us, there for us to use. Yet, often we can’t use this, and go through life feeling like something’s missing. Like somehow we are deeply incomplete.

So although we are complete as we are, we have to learn to put this into practice; we have to learn to let go of the fixed ideas and habits that keep us going in circles. In a sense, learning what to do isn't that hard. It’s applying it where things get tricky. But that’s also where we can experience true freedom and open up our potential as human beings.

We hope you can join us for this rare opportunity to learn about spiritual practice and the Dharma.




Chong Go Sunim will also be at the center most days(May 10 ~ May 18), so you’re welcome to stop by and talk with him about practice. (Just be sure to call ahead to coordinate schedules.)



대한불교조계종 한마음선원(13908) 경기 안양시 만안구 경수대로 1282Tel. 031-470-3100Fax. 031-470-3116
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